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Ağustos 2021


UmzugUmzugNachdem ich in meiner Firma befördert wurde und Beziehungsmäßig einen Umzug vor mir vor hatte, wollte ich das gleich mal mit den zwei netten Mitarbeiter aus dem Expedit ausnützen. Mein Umzug aus der gemeinsamen Wohnung meines Ex in ein neues kleines Haus am Stadtrand stand an, die beiden jungen Mitarbeiter Gerhard und Wolfgang hatten sich bereiterklärt mich am Wochenende tatkräftige zu unterstützen. Samstag Abends hatten wir endlich alle Kartons und Möbel im Haus, die Küche wurde schon in der Vorwoche professionell eingebaut. Während die beiden das Bett im Schlafzimmer zusammen bauten, begann ich das versprochene Essen für beide zu kochen.…

My education.

My education.It was mom Kevin and me ever since dad moved away. Mom had been dating this guy for a few months. He'd come over and eat dinner with us. After getting ready for bed, Kevin and I came out to say goodbye. One night it was warm and I only had underwear on. Jerry gave mom a hug and kiss, then turned to me. Giving me a hug he rubbed my back. He lowered his hand and pat my butt. You listen to your mom and be good. We will Kevin and I said. A few weeks later mom…


BlindfoldedBlindfoldedMy lips are hungry to say your name in this darkness. Loud enough so that you can hear and feel the soft vibration of the word against your ear, Your hair slightly moving as my mouth brushes across the sensitive skin of your earlobe. Yet quiet enough so you lean in, eager to hear me say it again... To pull me toward you.I can feel your tender touch on my skin and it makes me afraid to breathe.Your fingertips are exploring my innermost being. I am torn between wanting to give in and yet... holding back.I barely move, afraid the…

Jenna from the club

Jenna from the clubI never imagined myself being as outgoing as I was last Friday night. In fact, many will tell you that I lead a rather dull life. Oh, I have friends, lots of them. But when we hang out I am usually the last one on the dance floor and the first one to sit back down. I must admit, reading my own description of my social life makes me want to fall asleep. > > "Come on, Claudia," my friends would say. "Have a drink, hook up with someone and forget where you left your thong in…